Sunday 12 February 2017

I am feeling much better now but didn't go out for a breath of air as it has rained all day, also very grey and cold. 
I looked up pictures of grey foxes as I thought it would be a good idea to paint the other mask differently.
I think the two of them together loot quite different.
I started to varnish the top of the traditional fox and the paint started to lift off. Not enough to spoil the effect, but knew I had to find a different way to protect them as they are very likely to be out in the rain! I thought of fixative and knew I had some hidden away somewhere and I actually found it! Have sprayed them a couple of times and will buy some spray varnish to finish them off.
When Tina came in she said the sea was absolutely spectacular, so later this afternoon Darren drove me down to the front to see the sea. You could hear how rough it was as we went out to the car, and we are a good way from it. It was amazing and the foamiest I have ever seen.

We were only out of the car for a few minutes but managed to get Darren on camera!
We drove round the headland and the waves came over the wall and over the car, very dramatic, but I had put the camera away. On the beach and pavement along the south bay there were piles of foam, I have never seen that before. The two of us went and did a bit of essential shopping for tea, we will go and do a big shop tomorrow.
On a different note, on reading my admission letter, you are told to inform them if you have been ill in the week before your surgery date. Although I now feel fine, I cannot in all conscience not make the call tomorrow, so will just have to hope that it doesn't put back my operation.
Now painting competition this evening, so that should be interesting.


  1. The masks both look great. She'll be really happy with them. I just hope she doesn't decide to be in a different group this year!
    The sea really does look rough. Bet it was quite bracing in reality. The wave coming over the top and onto the car must have been really good too, although I bet Darren didn't think so :-)
    Good luck making the phone call tomorrow, I really hope it doesn't delay anything. That would be really sad at this late stage.

    1. Tina was on the downstairs landing and I checked if she was going to bed, not until about 11 pm tonight, so that is good, I can watch this without headphones for as long as I want. Hoping for the best in the morning.
