Saturday 16 October 2021

Back to shattering gardening!

I did the usual morning chores, lunch shopping etc. I have been managing the pain better this week and thought it was time to stop neglecting the garden.
I had started on the corner bed yesterday and today took a photo before I started.
At lunch time I had removed a lot of nettles and brambles and begun toe make space round the magnolia tree. Moved a lot of rubbish!
After lunch I was out there for quite a while and did quite a bit of digging as well. Still a bit to do as I ran out of steam!
I will get some of the bulbs put into that bed now. I may try to finish off the weeding tomorrow.
I took a couple of pictures of the bonsai trees that are now losing their leaves, they have grown well this year.
I haven’t done much since apart from getting a simple dinner and now enjoying Strictly.
I will finish with a picture taken by my friend Jacky in Scotland, I would love to have this in the garden.


  1. It looks as though you’ve done way too much today. You should be taking it a bit easier. The results of todays gardening are great though. It looks so much better after a bit of attention. I’m not even going to comment on the bulbs 😊 Not surprised you ran out of steam.
    The bonsai do look good, specially this time of year. You have put a lot of work into them over the years, so it’s good to reap some rewards. I’m sure you’ll still cringe when it’s time to sort out all the roots again though 😊
    Love the dolphin. You’re garden is plenty big enough to take one. Maybe your next craft sessions should be stonework and welding!
    Hopefully tomorrow will be a more restful day.

    1. Have made my hips hurt now, did them to the list, will definitely not do quite so much gardening tomorrow!
      Brilliant dolphin!
