Monday, 24 September 2018

Bit of gardening for a change!

This morning I met with one of the HUGS volunteers for a coffee at the Crafty Cafe. We had a nice chat and got to know each other a bit better. The rest of th day I have been preparing a flower bed in the back garden to plant the heucheras in. I did take a photo, we have had it cut back but the weeds/plants have never actually been dug out.
Blue is a funny cat and not always the brightest creature. She was clinging in the tree above me, then she cries, had to catch her at one point as she slipped round a branh and was hanging like a monkey!
I spent about four hours orkong on the bed and even got the plants put in and some bulbs I dug up replanted.
This evening I am sticking the boot house onto a paving slab, as least it means the weights are getting some use!!


  1. The bit of garden you did looks very good. I’d have given up after the first 10 minutes, but I’ve never been keen on gardening in my life. I do like to see them looking good though and am looking forward to seeing yours soon.
    Stupid cat! At least you didn’t have to call the fire brigade to get her out the tree. I wonder if they still do that these days? Can’t imagine they do.
    Hope you’re going to have a less strenuous day tomorrow, but knowing you I doubt it!

  2. It was hard work today, but an area sorted, so a good result.
    Blue stayed out with me for quite a time, she did sunbathe for a while.
    The volunteers are in tomorrow, so I will try and just be tea lady!

  3. Tea lady is good, if you stick to it.
    Strangers soon. Yayyyy.
