Sunday 10 August 2014

Went out just before 7 am this morning to go down to the sea. Took a towel so that I could have a proper paddle, it was freezing, but fun! More overcast today, so moody looking skies. Needless to say I did NOT walk back via the steps with no hand rail! The swans were resting next to the footpath in the park, making the most of the quiet before the summer madness!


  1. Wow that sky does not look happy, and as for those steeps I would not ne keen.

    Dull here this morning but had another lovely day yesterday, they say it will brighten up here this afternoon. Got to take Marco to the station so he can fly back to Spain by lunch time. That will be my day.

    1. The hills are bad enough, but the steps are a no go! Nice to have spent time with Marco, hope the airport run is okay. x

  2. Well its persisting down here could almost be November Rain here just got back from Lidl before the next bout - stay safe , sensible shoes and a packamac xxx

    1. The rain swept in here soon after I got home, and has tipped down most of the day. X

  3. Love the first picture, very moody sky.
