Sunday 10 August 2014

Hung three pictures in the lounge today. Even measured to try and get them symmetrical! One I painted, one, a print by Peter Scott was acquired many years ago from Darren's student house and the middle one I bought in a charity shop because I liked it!


  1. Looks like the measuring worked, they look good to me.

    I'm looking forward to seeing the transformation you've made to the rooms when I next visit.

  2. Let that be soon, we can work round the parking tickets!!

    1. Soon will be good with me. I know you've got several visitations coming up though, so we will have to work something out.

  3. Pictures look good well done with the measuring. Shame about the rain at church time, lots of effort goes into organising and baking cakes, hope they stay fresh. Freeze them. Rained all over not too bad here tho. Marco got delayed but arrived back in Spain by 10.00pm. Safely. Off to Colchester today lbirthday lunch with Lillo as he is home alone until 20th Aug. speak soon xx

  4. I hope you have/had a good day. Bright but very blustery here. x
