Saturday 16 August 2014

We walked into town with Darren and Tina to a charity Fair held in the main thoroughfare in the town. Lots of stalls from all sorts of charities, mostly with tombolas. I took a picture of a man making a sleeping dog out of sand, and had several goes on tombolas but didn't win anything. then I went on the one at the Lions stall and won the first prize, a large lion! so had my picture taken with the human lion they had there! On the way back we collected the headboard for my bed which I ordered a couple of weeks ago. Mike and I then went to Betton Farm for lunch, just a few miles out of Scarborough and a really lovely place with good views. We had a bit of a detour getting back here as my directions to a garage were way off the mark! Anyway, Mike is now on his way home after a great visit. I will fix the headboard later.....


  1. The morning out, and the trip to the farm for lunch finished off a nice visit. The slight "detour" to look for a petrol station was fun. I love satnavs :-)
