Sunday 31 August 2014

This morning I made Christmas cakes for the select few! Turned out well as I haven't used a gas cooker in over thirty years, but have always said I preferred using a gas oven. Once they were done and cooling I decided to take a slow walk as it is a lovely day again. It had to be slow as I have quite a lot of pain in my knees at the moment, but as long as I take it steady I can still manage quite long distances. I took a walk down the hill through the old town, lots of little seaside shops that have been there for years.
I carried on down to the south bay and harbour, it was very busy down there, so I started back up the hill and had a cup of tea in a quaint little tea room.
A couple of days ago I saw a shopping trolley in town that I liked so much more that the one I have, but resisted the temptation at the time. That 'no names mentioned' friend suggested that I use the one I have as a laundry basket, which is a pretty good idea as I haven't got one. So I was swaying towards getting the yellow one. Walking through the Old Town they had the same one outside a shop but £4 cheaper - definitely a sign, so I bought it!
Now, that really IS funky!!


  1. I think you should get paid for advertising Scarborough!

    That's definitely a funky trolley. Glad you got it in the end, and cheaper too.

    1. Meant to say, the hill by the tea shop looks extremely steep!

    2. Plenty of steep hills to be found here!
