Tuesday 26 August 2014

Today is Anya's birthday, and the weather has been just beautiful, we have been very lucky.
Anya opened cards and presents with Isobel on Isobel's 'bed', which is the sofa bed in my lounge. Then downstairs to see Tina and Darren, and of course her new best friend 'Colonel'!
We went out for a 'birthday breakfast' at the North Bay Cafe, which we all enjoyed, Darren took a liking to Isobel's toast!
Anya, Isobel and I took the open top bus to the South bay, where lots of 2ps went in the machines and a walk on the beach there, plus a donkey ride.
We came back and had a light lunch here, and when packed Darren and I took them to the station for their journey home. I really felt quite sad after they had gone. One last picture on this post, we had a silly one taken at Sea Life, and gave in and bought it because it is fun!
That's all for now folks!!


  1. What a nice ending to a nice few days. It won't be long before you see them again. You better make sure to stock up on 2p's!

    Love the final picture, very good acting :-)

  2. Aww why sad, you had such a lovely time. You are a positive lady and not long beforec1/2 term when Isobel will be back.
    Rest up in the mean time as you will need the energy.xx

  3. It soon passed, just a long time since Anya and I had had such a long time to catch up and chat. xxx
