Saturday 9 August 2014

Quite a lot happened today, Darren and I went out to get a new telephone socket after the engineer had been to make sure we had a line. I now have my land line up and running. I rearranged the bonsai trees, putting them all back onto their proper dishes, they had been in seed trays since they arrived. I unpacked all of my photos and pictures, and that was a lot as I had them all over the house in Peterborough! I have started hanging quite a few, but think that I may not be able to house them all, well, not all at once anyway. I went out for a walk and then decided to go on one of the open top buses that go along the sea front. That was great, and I was on for ages as the traffic was really bad!
Three pics, the cliff with the castle from the other end of the south bay, the trees and one wall of pictures. Not sure if they are in that order! The place now looks chaotic again with all the unpacking and making up storage boxes, so had better get cracking and sort it out a bit.


  1. The bonsai look very healthy, so the sea air must be agreeing with them. The picture wall looks great, and good use of the ducks for what looks like a key holder. I'm assuming the sewing machine indicates progress on the tv stand cover. No wonder your shattered, have a rest!!!!! :-)

  2. I have started measuring the cover, but the sewing machine is just there in readiness for when I have the design straight in my head!
