Friday 18 July 2014

Today I have had a meeting with the solicitor and have signed various forms and the contract. I need yet another indemnity insurance for the right of way to the garage!! I will have to go to a different solicitor to swear a declaration before everything can be finalized. It really is a minefield and mine appeared to be an easy sale. While I was in town I have arranged for the redirection to my new address. Tonight I have my five year old grand-daughter and her three year old friend for a sleepover, so that should be fun. Going to take my grand-daughter to the ceramic painting studio when I collect her from school. Got the soundtrack to The Full Monty in the pound shop, so will be able to jig around with a smile on my face whilst continuing packing!


  1. Unbelievable !!!! Surly those Solicitors need shooting, they should have informed you of that weeks ago,

  2. Hopefully that is the last 'extra'!!

  3. Ridiculous! Why on earth didn't they let you know before now. I really hope after this, that it will then run smoothly until the exchange............... but I won't hold my breath!

    Good luck with the nippers tonight, you might need it :-)

  4. Me too, at least everything is signed now and she said they don't actually need me there for the contract exchange, but I do have to get the statement about the access to the garage sworn at another solicitors and then get it back to her! Haven't got it yet, but soon - hopefully. Girls okay so far!!
