Tuesday 29 July 2014

Another busy day, but after one or two hiccoughs a successful one. I took Isobel to the pool this morning, it was chilly in there today but we still managed an hour. Then she had a good time in the play park and we went out for lunch. Her mum picked her up to go to the cinema and I started moving stuff out of the way for the collected items to be moved. The people for the white goods and Rachel's cupboard turned up at about 2.15 pm, didn't look a very big van but they got it all  in! The garage now just has two doors in there - yippee! The man for the settee, chair and bed turned up in an even smaller van so ended up doing two trips! Looked like the settee wasn't going to go, but once the casters were off and using a good deal of brute force and ignorance it got through the front door! Meanwhile Michelle turned up and helped do some sorting/cleaning in the kitchen, then mid removals Angie turned up to have a cuppa and say cheerio. The milk had gone off but I did have Coffee Mate!! Then Anya and Isobel arrived back from the cinema and after the others left we went to Pizza Hut which was nice. Anya has taken the play kitchen and a couple of the boxes. The place is a bit chaotic but I have a lot less to move around now. Email from the solicitor saying that things are going through and they are hoping for 1st August exchange - another yippee!!


  1. All in all, a very good day, and the news from the solicitor is great. Are they actually earning their money now? I think not :-)

    Last shopping day tomorrow :-(

  2. Yes, think I will be watching you shop!!

  3. All going to plan then, well done!!!

    Only a few more days left. Xx

  4. Yes, the more I do the more I find that needs doing! Ready for a rest, may not unpack for a month!! x

  5. ��glad things are progressing for you , well it really is happening i am going to miss you and the guys where really pleased with the collection it will be put to great use xxxx see you soon xxx

  6. That's great, glad they will be of use.
