Wednesday 16 July 2014

Good day today, took some tools and the workmate to The Green Backyard, a local self sufficiency project. Had a great time there and Mike got some new wood to make pens, laburnum and yew, he is very pleased. Talking of pens I will show you the two he has made me, the biro is mahogany and the fountain pen is Irish bog oak.

They are fab!
The mattress is being collected on this evening hopefully, so more space. The chap from the removals has just been with some boxes and free tape! Haven't heard from the solicitor with a time for my appointment on Friday, so don't hold your breath just yet! 


  1. Wow!!! The pens are wonderful, that man is so talented. Good to hear you are getting rid of the mattress so quickly and as for the solicitors little said the better.
    Well done . Xx

  2. He needs to have a stall and start selling them! I am working on it....

  3. Talented..... me? Oh my, I'm embarrassed now!

  4. If he makes some I will buy one. I'm sure they would fly off the stall. x

  5. I'll pass that on, although he will probably read it anyway. x
