Tuesday 15 July 2014

Success!! Those of you who know me well know that I do not like to make a fuss. But today I wrote a short and not quite so sweet email to the solicitor and asked for an update. (It is almost a month without any contact). Amazingly there is suddenly paperwork that I can go in and sign on Friday, so now I am pleased. May get it all sorted before I depart, fingers crossed. Been swimming with my grand-daughter, the learning pool was closed for cleaning but she did really well in the main pool.


  1. Wow!!!! At last, you have patients of a saint. So pleased for you, if you had not of written that e-mail you would still be waiting, they need a good shake up.
    Well Done xxxx

  2. Yes, has made my day, and I agree, I would still have been waiting.

  3. Great news. One step closer.

    I'm a bit like that, don't like making a fuss................. yeah, right :-)

  4. This is a very early blast from the past as far as the blog goes! Nice to read it again, seems more than eight years ago!
