Wednesday 30 July 2014

Not quite so busy today, but tomorrow will be full on cleaning and final packing! Today we filled in the car forms, so from tomorrow the little lady will not belong to me, but her new keeper will love her and take care of her. Another trip to the charity shop and tonight I am taking bags of stuff to a friend for her to distribute to some of the people she works with. Said good buy to my two old ladies today, both in their nineties and I have been visiting them regularly since I worked at their sheltered scheme in 2007. They both kept stiff upper lips which was good, as it wouldn't have taken much to set me off today!


  1. Last shopping day, and last day visiting the oldies. It's going to feel really odd next week! Try to relax this evening, and everything that still needs doing will get done tomorrow.

  2. A very different week for us both ahead, it will seem strange.
