Wednesday 23 July 2014

Good morning. I am of to Scarborough today, taking the bonsai trees for a trip to the seaside! Loaded them into the car last night, must still have at least twenty, either grown from seed or small saplings. My ankle is really painful today, my grand-daughter was asking me if I jumped in the pool, I don't, unless it is into the diving pit. But showed her I could and really jarred my knees and ankles because it was too shallow. Don't think I did any permanent damage but had trouble walking down the stairs this morning!! Will probably take some photos but may not be able to add any here until I am home tomorrow evening. Mike is starting the drive and may do all the driving, that is okay with me but I will take a turn if he needs a rest. Commonwealth Games start today, not a good summer for people who hate sport.


  1. Oh poor you, things we do for the kids. Hope you have not done any real damage,give them a good soak in warm water and rub some radiant B on your knees.
    Speak soon xxxxx

  2. Had to buy an ankle support so as I could walk around today, it worked and it feels a little easier. X
