Friday, 7 March 2025

Visits and plants

I went along to the shops before going to visit Bel. She was okay today and had finished the jigsaw she had just started last week. I remembered to take round my last subscription jigsaw so she has another one to begin. When I got home Tina was ready to take me to the nursery to get some bedding plants. They hadn’t got any bedding plants in yet but I did get a picture of one of the chickens that was roaming around.
As we got no plants there we went to the garden centre and got quite a nice selection.
We had lunch when we got home and then I took the plant I had borrowed back to the shop and then made my way to Jens via the se and. Stop for a sketch.
Jean is doing okay and was really pleased that she managed to get to church for a service on Wednesday.
Terry gave me a lift home as usual. My groceries had arrived and there were some daffodils with a card, not only are the veggies brilliant but that is the second time the delivery has included a little gift which is such a nice touch.
Darren and Tina are both out so home alone this evening.


  1. When I saw the chicken pic I immediately thought “oh my, she’s now going to keep chickens in the garden”. Then in my head I had a picture of the back garden with chickens and pigs roaming around 😂 I really must read the text before I look at the pics! Plants aren’t as bad as livestock, but there does look a lot of them that’ll need your attention this weekend. The garden calls 😊
    It’s nice to see the fishermen on the beach trying to catch their tea. I used to fish a lot many years ago, but never tried sea fishing. I think I missed out there. Nice real life sketch this evening.
    It’s nice that Jean managed a church visit as I know from what you’ve told me that she loves going.
    That is really nice that you get a little gift like that in with your veggie box every now and then. It certainly makes it a personal company to deal with rather than the faceless conglomerates out there. Long live small local businesses. I’ll get off my soapbox now and go make a cuppa. Enjoy the rest of your evening.

  2. It was nice that both ladies were on good form today. Bel worries that she doesn’t do a lot and falls asleep quite easily, I do that myself so goodness knows what I will be like at 93!
    The chickens having the run of the place at the nursery is really good to see.
    Yes, quite a few plants to get into the beds over the weekend.
    There was obviously a big competition today as there were lots of anglers on the beach today.
