Saturday, 8 March 2025

Back to the garden

I walked up to Tesco for the lunch rolls today as I wanted a few other things that I cannot get in the nearer shops. A bit later I went to visit a friend and then went to get some keys cut for Tina. We had both tried before during the week and the shop was closed and had different times on the door. But today they were open, so a successful attempt.
After lunch I went back into the garden to try and get the bed I was working on finished.
It took a while digging the middle fruit bush out, a large weed had grown through the centre of it and is made it difficult to get to the fruit last year,  the very large root of the weed wa entwined in the bush roots, no easy jobs in this garden! I work for a couple of hours again, haven’t managed to get the new plastic squares under the bird baths completely flat but it will do for now!
We have hd dinner and now I am flopped for the evening.


  1. Your morning was pretty much like mine. I went for my usual walk as I wanted a few thing. That’s where it ends though. After lunch I’ve done absolutely nothing. You do put me to shame 😂
    Another two hours hard work, but you can definitely see the difference. The plastic mat looks level enough to me.
    Not a bit surprised you’ve flopped!

  2. It was nice to get that area done, it was a bit of an eyesore.
    I am hoping to get the plants into the garden tomorrow.
