Saturday, 1 March 2025

Fairly quiet day

I did some washing and visited  friend this morning. On the way to see her I took a photo of the spring flowers in the churchyard.
This afternoon I spent a good couple of hours in the garden. Didn’t get as far as ai hoped as it didn’t look too bad but I soon realised it was full of nettles, couch grass and ground elder, all of which have ridiculous amounts of long, invasive roots. So a lot of digging involved.
I took two photos when I had finished, first one roughly in the same place of the before shot, then one of where I was digging and that row of bulbs across the middle I had dug up and replanted to remove the roots from around them.
Had tea with Darren and taking it easy now. Did do a sketch!


  1. The churchyard flowers look really nice. Almost summery. I do like to see pretty flowers, but I just can’t bring myself to like the gardening bit ๐Ÿ™‚ Talking of which, you obviously do like it judging by the before and after pics today. You say it’s only a little bit you’ve done. I beg to differ. I’d have given up after the first fork full ๐Ÿ˜Š
    I like the sketch, but apart from knowing it’s a plant, I’ve no clue what it actually is. I’m sure that doesn’t surprise you ๐Ÿ˜Š
    Hope you make it to the boot sale tomorrow.

  2. The churchyard is really pretty at the moment, a local lady has been
    tidying it.
    There is still a lot of root in the flower bed, but I dug up couple of cart loads so a lot less than there were!
    The popular name for the plant is Joseph’s coat as it gets colourful.
