Monday, 3 March 2025

More of the same

This morning I went to the banking hub where I saw Sarah and David and they asked me to join them for a coffee at Mondo. I was going to see them this afternoon but joined them so was a little later than I intended getting into the garden. I carried on where I left off again but started at the back of the bed as it had a lot of couch grass.
A couple of hours again, digging on that bed was a challenge as it is at quite an angle.
After lunch I went to visit Sarah and David, it had been a while so we had a good catch up. When I got home I went out into the garden again to dig up and split some polyanthus plants, then plant them!
Then I did a sketch in the garden.
I intend to get out in the garden again tomorrow!


  1. It was nice you got an unexpected coffee this morning. It probably gave you a boost to get into the garden………or you’re just mad 😊 The bed does look way better after some, a lot, of TLC. Glutton for punishment!
    Even the sketch is from the garden, and you’re intending to get out there again tomorrow……..I think I see a theme 😂
    Take it easy.

  2. Definite garden theme at the moment, that’s three day on the trot! It will either make me fit, or fit to drop!
