Saturday, 8 March 2025

Back to the garden

I walked up to Tesco for the lunch rolls today as I wanted a few other things that I cannot get in the nearer shops. A bit later I went to visit a friend and then went to get some keys cut for Tina. We had both tried before during the week and the shop was closed and had different times on the door. But today they were open, so a successful attempt.
After lunch I went back into the garden to try and get the bed I was working on finished.
It took a while digging the middle fruit bush out, a large weed had grown through the centre of it and is made it difficult to get to the fruit last year,  the very large root of the weed wa entwined in the bush roots, no easy jobs in this garden! I work for a couple of hours again, haven’t managed to get the new plastic squares under the bird baths completely flat but it will do for now!
We have hd dinner and now I am flopped for the evening.

Friday, 7 March 2025

Visits and plants

I went along to the shops before going to visit Bel. She was okay today and had finished the jigsaw she had just started last week. I remembered to take round my last subscription jigsaw so she has another one to begin. When I got home Tina was ready to take me to the nursery to get some bedding plants. They hadn’t got any bedding plants in yet but I did get a picture of one of the chickens that was roaming around.
As we got no plants there we went to the garden centre and got quite a nice selection.
We had lunch when we got home and then I took the plant I had borrowed back to the shop and then made my way to Jens via the se and. Stop for a sketch.
Jean is doing okay and was really pleased that she managed to get to church for a service on Wednesday.
Terry gave me a lift home as usual. My groceries had arrived and there were some daffodils with a card, not only are the veggies brilliant but that is the second time the delivery has included a little gift which is such a nice touch.
Darren and Tina are both out so home alone this evening.

Thursday, 6 March 2025

Feeling a bit pooped!

I didn’t have the best of nights, and I think the previous days of gardening have caught up with me. So much as my heart wanted to finish off the other part of the bed my head said different, and for once I listened to the head. I walked down the road this morning and picked up a prescription and bought a few plants. They are still by the back door, will get them in over the weekend,
I called in to see Sher at the shop and borrowed a succulent for todays sketch and then went to visit another friend this afternoon.
So will finish with Tuesday sketch and todays.

Wednesday, 5 March 2025

Never ending weed control

Back out in the garden today, continuing from where I left off again. A picture of the starting point as a reminder.
One of the nettle roots!
Had a break when I had been digging for over an hour.
Some of the dandelions had impressive roots!
Another hour or so and enough for today!
I took some keys round to the church for Tina and  took a photo of more crocuses in the churchyard.
My latest jigsaw from the subscription arrived today, and this time it came with a puzzle book as well.
I wanted to catch the post with a couple of cards so went for a walk and did go to the front, but didn’t take a sea picture, but did take a group of scooters.
I did do a sketch while I was out.
Apart from getting dinner I haven’t done much and don’t intend to.

Tuesday, 4 March 2025

A walk on the wild side!

Back out into the garden today. The bed where the bird baths has become overrun with nettles, at the moment new growth at the bases but masses of dead ones. They were growing several feet high and didn’t really get controlled at all last year. I had no ide how hard the roots would be to get put! But before that had to clear the dead ones and the brambles that were rife as well. Also a bush they were round hd to be pruned.
I had three different piles, dead nettles and general debris, brambles and branches for the burning pile!
Gave up after over two hours and went in to have lunch.
After lunch I went out to get the piles moved and clear the tools away. Dragging the brambles down to the back I managed to trip and landed on my knees, ouch! I somehow got straight up again, just as well as Tina was out! When I got in, washing my hands I saw that my er was bleeding! Ended up being a bit of a wounded soldier!
Tina cleaned the ear up for me, not sure how I caught it.
I went to visit a friend this afternoon and managed to stay upright!

Monday, 3 March 2025

More of the same

This morning I went to the banking hub where I saw Sarah and David and they asked me to join them for a coffee at Mondo. I was going to see them this afternoon but joined them so was a little later than I intended getting into the garden. I carried on where I left off again but started at the back of the bed as it had a lot of couch grass.
A couple of hours again, digging on that bed was a challenge as it is at quite an angle.
After lunch I went to visit Sarah and David, it had been a while so we had a good catch up. When I got home I went out into the garden again to dig up and split some polyanthus plants, then plant them!
Then I did a sketch in the garden.
I intend to get out in the garden again tomorrow!

Sunday, 2 March 2025

Bit by bit

We did go to the boot sale this morning. Our usual breakfast place wA closed so we had to settle for the degree, not so tasty one. I had a wander round while Darren went and sat in the car, who’d have thought that day would come!
This morning I did some housework and more washing and had a chat with Anya.
After lunch I went into the garden to continue where I left off.
The are behind the large cordyline was very grassy and ground elder everywhere so. Lot of digging involved again today. I moved quite a few plants replanted them, and of course hd to move lo the toadstools! So I spent a good couple of hours again.
I noticed these really dark crocuses in the front garden when I wa emptying the green cart.
Sat indoors for a bit before getting dinner. Still keeping up with the sketches!
The Throw Down semi final tonight.

Saturday, 1 March 2025

Fairly quiet day

I did some washing and visited  friend this morning. On the way to see her I took a photo of the spring flowers in the churchyard.
This afternoon I spent a good couple of hours in the garden. Didn’t get as far as ai hoped as it didn’t look too bad but I soon realised it was full of nettles, couch grass and ground elder, all of which have ridiculous amounts of long, invasive roots. So a lot of digging involved.
I took two photos when I had finished, first one roughly in the same place of the before shot, then one of where I was digging and that row of bulbs across the middle I had dug up and replanted to remove the roots from around them.
Had tea with Darren and taking it easy now. Did do a sketch!