Thursday, 6 February 2025

Great trip out

After Ringtons hd been we set off to the other side of the Humber Bridge to go to a garden centre and nature reserve. It had been a heavy frost and cold when we set off, but the sun was shining and a beautiful day. We arrived at Humber garden centre and it is situated at a tile making place so great 
We had a very nice late breakfast in the curved building. We walked to the garden centre, great walls made of tiles and an interesting area inside. I did buy a few plants!
Some other building shots and one of me sitting doing a quick sketch and the sketch.
We went to the visitor centre and had a drink looking at this view.
Then we went for a walk that turned out to be longer than we had planned but absolutely lovely.
This one was taken from on of the hides.
We had to go through the visitor centre to get back to the car so one last photo of the painted walls.
We were indoors for a few minutes when we got home as I was visiting Lesley at 4pm. Spent quite a while with her and now it is feet up time!

1 comment:

  1. It was a lovely trip and a goodly walk involved as well.would love to go there with a larger sketch book and take some time there.
    It was fascinating, a good idea of Tina’s.
