Wednesday, 5 February 2025

Garden and walk

Had an early walk to the post box for a change, did some washing and then went out into the garden. The front this time as Tina was out and she wa expecting a delivery. The big front bed hasn’t had any attention for quite a while,
I spent a couple of hours working on the front,  that’s the bit than can be seen from the road. I’ll get to the back another day.
After lunch I took a walk to the front, looked t the sea and did a sketch.
Weary now and I will probably doze off in front of the tv!


  1. The weather looks reasonable in the pics, so a walk to the postbox was probably quite pleasant. Not so sure about the gardening though. The front does look a lot better after all your work, but I bet you ache now.
    The front looks a bit grey, but better than gardening I suppose 😊 Another nice sketch too. You do pick some good subjects.
    I’m not a bit surprised you might drop off in front of the tv 😊 Enjoy some relaxing.

  2. I am dropping off so an extra early night I think.
    It was good to make a start on the front garden, it was a bit difficult as there are bulbs coming up but don’t think I damaged too many! It was a pretty cold day but still quite a few people about taking in the sea air.
