Monday, 24 February 2025

Back into the garden

I went to the banking hub fairly early and it was surprisingly pleasant out. As I was feeling a bit better I decided to get out into the back garden. I hoed the two beds I had already worked on again as there are some signs of weeds waking up! Then I started on the bed furthest from the house.
I more or less cleared that bed and even managed to plant some of the bulbs I had bought.
After lunch I moved along to the next stretch.
I got the lawn edge tidied, will get to the back another day as I was flagging by then.
I sat on the garden swing for a while. Took a picture and did a sketch.
So that was good. Not so successful with the air dry clay pieces. I was too eager and turned them over before they were really dry after spraying them. Say no more, better luck next time! Not that luck has anything to do with it, rather it was impatience!
Going to the pottery on Wednesday this week so may do a bit in the garden in the morning.


  1. You are bad spending so much time on that garden. You’re still not fully over being ill. You really should still be resting!
    What you’ve done does look good though. It’s just that you shouldn’t be doing it all!
    Nice sketch. It looks like it would take quite a while to do that, but I bet you knocked it out in 10 minutes 🙂
    Shame the clay bits didn’t work out. I’m sure you’ll do them again though and it will next time.
    Try not to go too mad in the garden tomorrow!

  2. I did spend quite a time out there, I am tired but it feels good to have made some headway. I am visiting in the afternoon tomorrow so gardening will be curtailed.
    I think I took a bit more than ten minutes on the sketch today.
