Friday, 28 February 2025

Back to normal

Visit day today, it has been a couple of weeks since I saw Bel and Jean. Bel was okay this morning, she was just starting a new jigsaw so I picked out some edge pieces. Came back in time to get Tina some lunch before she set off to a retreat weekend that she was running with one of her clergy colleagues. She sent a photo when she arrived, looks like a lovely place for a retreat.
I walked to the front on the way to Jeans, I did take the sketch book but didn’t feel inspired. It was a pleasant walk today, the wind has dropped.
This next phot I am not sure what I did, but Woking it out is interesting!
Having a quiet evening now and have done a sketch.

Thursday, 27 February 2025

Flying visit

Lots of pics but not much writing tonight. Today has been a fair bit of travelling but mission accomplished! So will start with yesterday’s sketch and end with todays and let the rest give a taster of the day.
Thanks to Mike for lunch.

Wednesday, 26 February 2025

Clay work

I waited for the bus today to go to Freeport as it was raining. First time I have used the bus in a while. I washed up pots when I got to the pottery and then set up the clay table. When Caroline arrived we both worked on making stock items. Forgot to photograph what I did but did take pics of the items I painted a while back.
Caroline has hung the three smaller hearts on the large one and thought that might be a good subject for a workshop.
It had stopped raining when I was leaving so I did walk home calling in to see Sher and Lesley on the way back.
Just got on with tea soon after I got home and relaxing with the cat now. Have a long day tomorrow making the trip to Peterborough.
Haven’t done a sketch yet, maybe this will be the first miss! I have done something crafty though!

Tuesday, 25 February 2025

Garden is getting tidier!

A good day weather wise again so I went out into the garden for the morning. Made a start carrying on from where I left off yesterday.
That area wasn’t too bad except ner where I was standing. Took a while to clear though.
Had a break and then started on the next bed.
I had to did put some nettles, good to get a few of them out before they grow. I didn’t get that for, but little by little I am getting there.
I brought a hollyhock seed head into the house to do a sketch.
Went to see Lesley this afternoon and for reasons I won’t go into I found I needed to get a new passport quickly! So have a day trip to Peterborough in a couple of days. That was a stressful afternoon!
On a brighter note will finish with some pictures at Kew Gardens sent by a friend,

Monday, 24 February 2025

Back into the garden

I went to the banking hub fairly early and it was surprisingly pleasant out. As I was feeling a bit better I decided to get out into the back garden. I hoed the two beds I had already worked on again as there are some signs of weeds waking up! Then I started on the bed furthest from the house.
I more or less cleared that bed and even managed to plant some of the bulbs I had bought.
After lunch I moved along to the next stretch.
I got the lawn edge tidied, will get to the back another day as I was flagging by then.
I sat on the garden swing for a while. Took a picture and did a sketch.
So that was good. Not so successful with the air dry clay pieces. I was too eager and turned them over before they were really dry after spraying them. Say no more, better luck next time! Not that luck has anything to do with it, rather it was impatience!
Going to the pottery on Wednesday this week so may do a bit in the garden in the morning.

Sunday, 23 February 2025

Another quiet day

We didn’t go out this morning, Darren still has the sore leg and isn really over the nasty bug either. I am not coughing so much so am over the worst.
I went out to the post box and shop but otherwise have been indoors. I used very fine sandpaper to smooth the small pieces I made with the air dry clay then painted them. This afternoon I added. Bit of decoration, I will varnish them as I think they are too fragile to add and findings to.
Getting dinner was long winded today as it was pork and I never get the crackling right! So today I followed the convoluted instructions that came with the crackling joint. It did work but ai won’t be doing it again any time soon!
Did a sketch while sitting in the lounge downstairs, unbeknown to the subject!
Will be going down to watch Throw Down in a bit.

Saturday, 22 February 2025

That’s more like it

I still have the cough and sneezing fits but today the weather was lovely so I went for a walk to the front. And did a sketch as well while I was out.
This afternoon I had a play with the air drying clay.
Feeling quite weary now and the throat is sore, but feels good to have been a bit more active.
Will finish with a gret bit of artwork in Peterborough sent to me by Anya.

Friday, 21 February 2025

Busy doing nothing!

Not a lot to say today, I haven’t been out at all as I am still sneezing and coughing. Tina is still poorly, so is Darren but he has been going to work.
I have done a quick sketch and I will post a photo from six years ago.
May have more to say tomorrow.

Thursday, 20 February 2025

Joined the poorly gang!

No a lot to write about today, the symptoms of whatever Darren and Tina have had kicked in for me yesterday evening. So a night of runny nose and coughing and throw a headache in! I went to the shop as Tina is still unwell and my mood wasn’t improved by finding two very large mounds of poo inside our garden! I won’t add pics but they are disgusting.
Have sat around, this afternoon with the cat for over two hours and then I felt really cold.
The book Tina ordered arrived and I have been reading a bit of it and finding we are doing a lot wrong!
I did a sketch of n pile I didn’t eat earlier.
Not doing much this evening and won’t be late to bed.

Wednesday, 19 February 2025

A bit of gardening

I did do a sketch in my little book yesterday evening, so will start with that.
I had a couple of trips to the local shops, the second time to find some softer tissues for Tina who is still coughing and needing tissues, she has been quite poorly.
I went out to the garden, initially to how the beds I have already done, but fter doing the big front bed I decided to today the one in the corner.
I had quite a reasonable time out there, but like the other beds it needs more attention.
I dislodged a few tiny primulas so after lunch I went to the greenhouse to put them in pots. Also potted some large daisy plants that I have had in water for a while.
I did sketch one of them before potting it!
Google photos made. College of skies from three years go.
A couple of other photos to finish, one from Anya of. Mural in Peterborough and one of me on our trip on Monday.