I did do a sketch in my little book yesterday evening, so will start with that.I had a couple of trips to the local shops, the second time to find some softer tissues for Tina who is still coughing and needing tissues, she has been quite poorly.
I went out to the garden, initially to how the beds I have already done, but fter doing the big front bed I decided to today the one in the corner.
I had quite a reasonable time out there, but like the other beds it needs more attention.
I dislodged a few tiny primulas so after lunch I went to the greenhouse to put them in pots. Also potted some large daisy plants that I have had in water for a while.
I did sketch one of them before potting it!
Google photos made. College of skies from three years go.
A couple of other photos to finish, one from Anya of. Mural in Peterborough and one of me on our trip on Monday.