Thursday, 30 November 2023

Minimal movement!

I have done a few little tasks today but a few minutes has the leg complaining, so it has been a pretty inactive day again. Very cold out today so no great incentive to be out and about!
I had a lovely early Christmas card today from my god- daughter, haven’t seen her in years but we still have occasional contact. 
A very unusual card.
No origami today, bad or otherwise. I spent a while sorting out colours for the never ending jigsaw.
For the amount to time spent so far there is a long way to go!
Blue has often wedge hers of into tiny spaces, the jigsaw box is small and Blue is not a small cat!
So, a quiet time again today, and not a huge improvement I then ee. So probably be much the same tomorrow.

Wednesday, 29 November 2023

Bad origami!

I have done very little today, the leg is really painful so a lot of sitting and pills! Tina is feeling a little better and needed to go out so I wrote a few letters this morning and she posted them for me.
Not in order gain but a photo of by beautiful shadow who was on the bed while I did my word puzzles this morning.
She was a bit grumpy with me as I had dared to stroke her back!
I did a couple of puzzles on my Puzzler magazine and had daytime tv on, then decided to try a bit of origami from a small kit I got on offer. A not very good crane and butterfly…..
…..and a truly unrecognisable camel!
Tina and I were supposed to be attending a pottery workshop tomorrow evening but I have let them know that we won’t be there. Hopefully we can go along to one at a later date. I am intending to be even less active tomorrow as if I do anything for over five minutes the leg becomes  almost unbearable, so will see if moving only when totally necessary helps.

Tuesday, 28 November 2023

No news today

I am not doing a blog entry today, but just to let you know I am not stopping, just not been a great day today. See you soon, tomorrow all being well.

Monday, 27 November 2023

Up to Freeport

I really need a waterproof coat and as it is Cyber Monday thought I would take a trip up to Freeport that has several outdoor wear shops. I thought I would also go into the pottery studio and paint something on a plate rather than paint a moulded design. I had been telling Caroline about some of the things I have painted before so took a couple of photos to show her. So may as well recycle them here.
Bit out of sync again but I sit on the bed in the morning and do some word puzzles and my lamp is a spotlight. So one of the arty shots when I noticed it in the screen!
I caught the bus to Freeport, a damp and cold day but not too much walking in the rain. I did manage to get a waterproof jacket and a very reduced price and a most helpful lady so that was good. Then I went to the pottery studio. They have found that pencil on the bisque sometimes leaves a mark sl they recommend doing the design with a felt tip which definitely burns off. The only trouble with that is that it bleeds into the clay and so not a nice clear line to follow when you start painting, took a while marking it out.
I got quite chilled in there so have made a start but a lot more to do, but they are happy for me to go back. In fact they weren’t talking about having some samples and I said I would happily paint some for them, they jumped at the idea also, so when I have done the plate they want me to pint one of the larger items, maybe and elf or a snowman. 
I have three phot plaques that have never been properly displayed, they have sticky things on the back, but they will not peel off now, so I ordered some which river now they are on the wall.
The first Christmas cactus flower has opened.
Tina hasn’t felt at all well today and Darren had returned to work but wasn’t well over the weekend, so I got dinner for us all this evening. At one point my leg was scarily painful, it has got worse over the last few days. I can still walk a bit but am limping now and can’t bend it very well, although  at the moment it isn’t actually locking, so that at lest is good. So lying about for the rest of the evening!

Sunday, 26 November 2023

A bit of a non day

Not a lot to write about today. Did go to the boot sale with Darren, but it was very sparse and very cold, even our usual eatery wasn’t we were back home within the hour. I tried to do a bit to the jigsaw, but seem to have come to a stop at the moment. Took this picture as I sat pondering!
I made soup yesterday so have had soup meals today, probably enough for another day or two depending whether Tina joins me for some.
I have been trying to rearrange my living room, but I have.a lot of stuff in quite a small room so not a lot ai can do. I used to have a jardiniere behind the tv so you couldn’t see it, just the flowers that were in it. I have moved a chair and brought it out and have one of the repotted plants in it. Also have a couple of small stands that have plants on now too.
Will watch the Strictly results and may do a bit in the bedroom if I have the inclination.

Saturday, 25 November 2023

Poorly housemates!

When Darren andTina arrived home last night it was obvious that Darren wasn’t feeling at all well and they were both tired after the long journey home. This morning Tina seemed to have develop whatever Darren had and has been feeling poorly today. She is at work tomorrow nd t the moment she feels a little better so hoping that is how it stays. They brought me back some lovely gifts
Also a huge Toblerone and some tissues in case I have the inclination to do some decoupage. There are a couple of coins as well, very different from ours.
Darren wanted to give his car a run so he drove me up to Tesco to get some shopping for the weekend. We didn’t head off for a coffee, he is still not too good and my leg has been very painful today.
After lunch I went and sorted out some flower pots and I have some plants that need repotting. I also have an amaryllis bulb to plant. I got some compost from Sher the other day, unusual as it comes in a block and to add water to it to hydrate it.
Nice messy job which took a while, hopefully they will all survive!
I did get a few jigsaw pieces in, but it is a bit of a battle.
Nights in the bed are becoming more difficult, so I think it will be a chair tonight.
Have just enjoyed Strictly. At the moment we plan to go to the boot sale tomorrow, weather and health permitting.

Friday, 24 November 2023

Lights night

This morning Bel came round to spend an hour or so with me, she has finished inviting the jumper for her nephew and has now started knitting one for herself. She also took my bird jigsaw home with her so she will have probably started that when I visit her next week. I popped to the shops when she had gone and then took some bits thatI had for Sher round to her at shop. She said the my sgrafitto had been fired so we went to the other sh to collect it.
I finished off the tags and put them in a container ready to take to the church later. Then I cleared the hall and washed the floor, doesn’t look a lot different but I knew that it was time to do it! I did get a few more ices into the jigsaw, still all looks like one colour!
I went round to the church and took pics of the trees. So they are self explanatory.
Although it was wet and cold there were a constant stream of people coming to look at the trees. I went out side before the lights were turned on and there were hundreds of people not deterred by the weather. A before and a couple of after the lights shots!
I didn’t stay out long as I was using the walking stick and the knee was painful. Was sitting indoors with the cat on my lap when I got a phone call. Tina asking when the road would be opened so they could come home! They had docked early this morning and as Darren wasn’t too well and Tina’s sister in law has been quite poorly,m they just had a quick stop there and drove straight home. Caught me out as I was going to do the kitchen floor tomorrow and get shopping in! I did make a sponge this afternoon so there was cake! They have had a great time and I have some lovely gifts but will post them tomorrow.

Thursday, 23 November 2023

Bitty day

I got the tree and decorations ready to take to the church and also got the few bits to go to the top into the porch. I hadn’t really thought through getting the frame and the decorations round to the church and really didn’t want to do two walks round there. In the end I carried them both and used a walking stick rather than the rollator.  Jean and Judy were there making drinks and offering mince pies, was going to be a long day for them. A couple of people already there setting up their trees. Got mine set up and was pleased with how it looks, Sher’s real Christmas tree is going to be next to mine, but I was there before her.
Just realised I got the photos out of sync, when I went to open the windows it was obvious I hadn’t picked the best day to walk to the sea!
I made a couple of phone calls and still no idea where my sister spent last night, although at the hospital somewhere. The care home hadn’t had the call they were expecting.
I left a note in the porch to say leave parcels by the door, as I was expecting a veg and fruit delivery and a package of bulbs! When Angela arrived we loaded the car and set off for tip. I forgot the pass but luckily we weren’t asked to show it. Then we went to the garden centre where I got lunch for us.
I was home in plenty of time for the gas engineer who arrived before two to do the annual check. He was here ages, about four thirty when he left.
When I was in church Judy asked me if I was busy this afternoon. Should have said yes as she produced a huge pile of laminate cards and a hole punch and asked if ai would make then into tags for them to give out to people tomorrow on Lights Night! About 250!  I am about half was and will carry on this evening.
Even had to supply the thread. 🤣
Phoned the care home who still hadn’t heard so phoned the hospital. Found out that my sister was in a corridor and would be admitted when. Bed became available, so we now know she spent the night in a corridor at the emergency department.
The local paper arrived and there was a pice about the pottery studio re-opening and there is a picture of me.
Best get back to threading!

Wednesday, 22 November 2023

Quite busy after a slow start

I wasn’t feeling my best this morning, and not a lot of inclination to continue my plan of being constructive! So thought I would do some jigsaw, and Tommy surprise did manage to get some more done, only the tip of the iceberg though!
Nearly all the leaves of the large copper beech have fallen but the younger tree is still hanging on to a few. Took this from the landing window. That cordiline will be happy as it was shaded by the laburnum that had split and has been removed, meaning the cordiline will get more light.
Had a couple of phone calls and had to go to the parish hall to open up as Angel had been delayed. My sister was poorly in the night and has had a trip to the hospital today so have had some contact with Rose. Not sure of the outcome yet.
I got a package ready to send, and although my knee felt in danger of giving out today decided to walk to the post office and then have lunch at Lily’s. Only one picture of the sea, quite a grey, uninviting day today.
Took a photo of this bush in the front garden as I got back, would have been much brighter in sunlight.
I got a message as I got home to say my pottery painting had been fired, so went straight out and caught the bus to Freeport. I didn’t take the photos of the tea light holder and dragon pot until I got home, so the colours aren’t very accurate as I took them artificial light. I am pleased with both.
I took a walk round the corner from the pottery studio and the now famous nativity is back. Less figures and only one animal now, I think they have reduced the size of the stable! No hymns playing over it yet!
The run up to Christmas just wouldn’t be the same without it!
Feeling a bit achey this evening but looking forward to Shetland in a bit.

Tuesday, 21 November 2023

Afternoon walk

This morning it rained for a while and was dull, it did clear up a bit later. I carried on clearing the kitchen, this time my side, it was cluttered up as I had the stuff off the butchers block on there as that is now where the mountain of Christmas cakes now live! I decided to empty these containers as I never made good use of them. I offered them to a friend who had liked them, but she got herself some, so I am sure they will find a good home ina charity shop!
I got the hand made decorations down and did a trial tree decoration. I think it will look okay in the church, have packed them all away again now.
I did manage to get a few pieces together at the edge of the jigsaw, as most of the pieces are plain colours this one could take quite a while!
Was feeling a little off colour today so decided to try and walk to the sea, wasn’t certain I would make it as the knee was quite painful today, but took my time and although it was chilly and threatening to rain again at one point, I was glad I did as the sea looked lovely today. But took a phot of the pampas near the front before it is chopped down.
Then a picture of the leisure centre before the ones of the sea.
One photo from Tina, the lights are oil rigs of Norway. She said rain is expected tomorrow so there is a change of plan and they will visit Stavanger.

Just sitting quietly this evening.