Tuesday 7 August 2018

Hello HUG’s

Today the HUG’s team arrived early to do a bit of ore in the front garden. Hornsea Urban Gardeners, they are all volunteers and do lots of great work in the town. They have agreed to get the front garden under control.
I had a chat with them and made them a cuppa, here are a couple of the ladies taking a well earned rest.
I had phoned the surgery to get advice about my spots/rash and they said a nurse would see me today, so I left the ladies at work and walked don to the surgery. The nurse said it isn’t shingles and in her opinion it is bites. So keep on with the cream and hope I don’t get too many more! I walked up to the sea from there and had a cuppa. Nice to see the holiday makers enjoying the beach and the weather.
Took a picture of the cleared area when I got back, they are good no to collect the bags and take them away.
Have spent th qfternoon indoors, did make one more card, I had seen this quote when at the surgery and made a note of it.
Watering the garden today I had to take a picture of the triffids, sorry, gourds. The plants ar taking over. Tina thinks we should plant them on every spare piece of ground next year!
I think I only plants five very small plants at the top of that bank. There are more near the greenhouse and this one particular gourd is spectacular, hope I manage to dry that one!
Hoping the weather may turn cooler tomorrow.


  1. If I were to join a group, and that’s extremely doubtful, I don’t think it would be to do gardening. Too bloody hard! The bit they’ve done does look good though. It’ll take some of the grafting away from you though, so I bet you’re really disappointed about that!
    Looks really nice down by the sea. I bet it smelt nice too. The sea always does, to me anyway.
    Gourd type plants do spread well. You should plant some marrows and courgettes next year. At least you’d be able to eat some of them then.
    The quote on the card is good. My quote of the moment is “Life is a mountain”. Because to me every damn part of it is an uphill struggle!

  2. It will be good for the garden to get sorted and more manageable.
    It was nice by the sea today, there was a bit of a breeze as well.
    There are a lot of large fruits on the gourds so hoping the drying works.
