Sunday 5 August 2018

Boot sale and cards

I went along to the boot sale this morning but had a look at the sky and sea first.
Only about a dozen cars at the boot sale but went to investigate anyway.
I actually did pretty well. When Isobel and I were making cakes I realised that we didn’t have bun trays anymore. Got a couple today. I also like the holdalll I have for weekends away but it isn’t wide enough to pack clothes properly. I spotted one at the sale which is more like a case shape but still has wheels and a handle to pull it along. It was also £4 as opposed to £25!
Then last, but definitely not least some much needed earrings!!!
This afternoon I have been using the machine again. Embossed and coloured this one.
Mags suggested that I could perhaps use the dragonfly die a bit like the butterfly one. More complex as the dragonfly is part of a very intricate die, whereas the butterfly was a complete die.
Lastly I thought it was time to try and make a Christmas tree from a set that Tina got me a week ago. Bit fiddly but worth it.
Dinner made and eaten and garden watered, may try a comedy film on the tv tonight.


  1. Beautiful skies and the beachfront shot is lovely.
    Your boot sale bargains were really good. Specially the earrings. I don’t know of anyone else who would wear them :-)
    I’m sure you’ve done lots of other things and also made time for crafting too. You really put me to shame! The dragonfly card looks great, but so many bits to poke out. Worth the effort though.
    Christmas things already! They should all be banned until November at least :-)

  2. Small boot sale, but some quality stuff so worth visiting.
    On a roll with the gadget, no doubt the novelty will wear off!
    It was a lovely morning by the sea, the tide was in and it was calm, nice clouds too.
