Friday 10 August 2018

Anyone for apple crumble?

A short entry today and then there won’t be another one until Monday. I am off to Peterborough and then Anya is taking me to see my brother on Sunday. Not  tablet or chrome book and won’t be doing the blog on the phone!
This morning I collected some of the trees from the cooking apple tree in the garden. They are not ready but they seem to bruise and go rotten very quickly once they drop. Also one of the branches was almost on the ground with the weight. I collected one small box of them to prepare today.
I used one of my new sharpeners and they are very sharp! I usually use a knife but it is a bit more wasteful. Had quite a bowl of peelings!
We now have four reasonable sized bags of part cooked apple slices in the freezer. So crumble making in the future I think.
Haven’t done a great deal today, played to much Scrabble with against the tablet and got thrashed. Have been tidying up, changed the bed and did some washing and sorted out hat I need for the weekend. 
The rain didn’t reach up so I hav atresia the gardens, the pressure was really low this evening.
Right, that’s it, catch you on Monday.


  1. They look really nice apples. Wish I had a fruit tree in my garden. Not that I actually eat much fruit at the minute! Bet the crumbles will taste pretty damn good too, specially with some nice creamy custard.....mouths watering now!
    Hope your weekend goes ok, and I really don’t blame you for going computerless for a change. One less thing to bother about and more time to relax. Enjoy it.

  2. Says beds and should say bags, will edit the post!
    It did make sense to pick some and have them prepared, they rot almost as soon as the hit the floor and some were rotting bile still on th tree.
