Monday 6 August 2018

All white hair cut!

Not a long post today, I spent the morning doing a good clean of the downstairs, and washed all the floors that aren’t carpeted. Very humid today and I was sweaty, so had a bath and was even more sweaty! Had lunch when Tina got home, I had some of the beetroot soup I made the other day.
I felt ridiculously tired this afternoon and was struggling to stay awake so went down to the post box and then into the chemist to get advice from a pharmacist about all the spots that I have. She agreed that there are too many to b bug bites, could be a heat rash but she obviously thought that shingles was a possibility.have some cream and will see how it goes.
I am in need of a haircut, should say was as she did it today when I called in to make an appointment. She really cuts well but is a bit scissor happy so I told her that it was just too short last time. The only photo today is a selfie taken with this, she dry cuts so will be better when it is washed again.
Wearing a pair of the boot sale earrings today.
Have had tea and done the watering, won’t do much now, trying to ignore all the itchy spots!


  1. The haircut looks nice, but you should have a bit of purple or red next time :-)
    It’s has been extremely hot today. I have the same problem with bathing on days like this, I feel worse and sweat more afterwards. Doesn’t seem right bathing twice in one day though! Roll on winter, at least a hot bath warms you up then.
    I hope tomorrow isn’t going to be such a busy day for you again?

  2. Pleased with the hair and length this time.
    Still hot and no plans to be busy today!
