Friday 3 August 2018

Sorting and crafting

I went for a walk this morning before it got too hot, it has been very humid and uncomfortable today. I walked by Tesco and onto the trail, the stream has overgrown in fact hard to see that there was a stream there at all.
I was very bad not to mention yesterday that I received more Wild and bloom flowers and this time from Rachel and the family, they are opening today and are lovely.
I made a card last night using images that I had die cut.
It was an old Prit stick so a bit dry, have bought a new one today! I have spent a lot of the day generally sorting the craft stuff and getting stuff ready for charity shop or Ebay.
One of the first things I planted when arriving here were a pack of gladioli bulbs. They were ages appearing and then I thought they wouldn’t flower. But four are starting and this white one is beautiful now it is opening.
I have done a bit more card making this evening, I like the red Christmas one and am very pleased with the embossed flower card.
I am hoping I can get as far as pressing ‘publish’ as I had almost finished it again when I hit the wrong button!


  1. It has been really hot again today. I’ve only been out briefly but that was more than enough for me.
    That’s a lovely bunch of flowers. Very thoughtful. Good job you’ve made lots of different vases over the years. They come in very handy.
    I really like all the cards, although the red Christmas one is particularly nice. You really have got back into making them since you got the die cutter. Having a good sort out of the crafting stuff is always good as it means you’ll have more room for more dies, card stock etc :-)

    1. Need to get a few more ideas going around in my head. Going up to the craft outlet tomorrow as Mags is demonstrating with the die cutter.
      The flowers are lovely, I am very lucky and have plenty of vases!i
