Saturday 4 August 2018

Not a lot!

I woke up not feeling too inspired to be active, so not a lot to report today. Wandering around, half awake this morning I spotted this crane fly, haven’t seen any for ages, so common when I was a girl!
Darren went off for the weekend and Tina and I went to a coffee morning in the parish hall. We won prizes on the tombola again, some will be put by for the next church fund raiser. Then we went up to Freeport as Mags was demonstrating with the die cut machine. I took my efforts along and she is pleased to see that I am already making good use of the new toy. She showed us how to use inks with the dies, I will try that another day, but also making a 3D effect with a butterfly die. I have had a go at that this evening.
From there we went to Tesco to do a basic household shop and this afternoon I have just made soup and dinner and then watered the gardens.
May try the boot sale at the Inshore rescue boat centre tomorrow, has to be better that the other time I went there and only two cars t urned up!


  1. Well considering you woke up feeling like not doing a lot, you managed to fit a fair bit in.
    You’ve really had some enjoyment from the die cutter. The 3D butterfly is lovely. I’m sure people will love to receive it, and I’m sure a lot of people will ask you to make one for them. You could have a small cottage industry going there before long. Not that the house you live in could in any way, shape or form be mistaken for a cottage!
    Enjoy the boot sale if you end up going. I’m sure more than two will turn up if it’s a nice day.

  2. Really pleased with th butterfly card, and I am sure I will be making some more! A few other things to try, maybe tomorrow.
    The boot sale is cheap for cars so I hope they do get some support.
