Monday 31 October 2016

This morning I walked up to the swimming pool and did have a swim. They are silly little lockers at the pool so they kept my walking stick behind the reception desk. I went through the park and I have never seen the lake as still as it was today, there is usually a sign of a ripple. The surface today made for great reflections.

I thought this next one was just a nice and slightly different aspect.
Walking back down the hill I was very aware of just how white the back of some of the leaves were.
By the time I walked back through the park there was some movement on the water. I wanted a couple of things in town and Tina took me in, we just parked for an hour but we both got things we had planned to get. That was a bit more exercise than I have had for a few days so sat and watched a couple of episodes of House this afternoon (any excuse). I have been painting one of the plaques since and have researched a picture for another one.
I have a quiz sheet, my sister sends me a copy every year. Tina came up and helped me get a few more answers and some to check. May try and get into the studio tomorrow as I haven't been in for weeks now.


  1. Some really nice photos again. I love reflections, but it's not very often you get water still enough to get good ones. You had some great conditions today and it looks like you made the most of it. Well worth the walk to the swimming pool just for those. Those leaves don't look real, they're very white.
    The plaque is looking very nice. I'll look forward to seeing the next one when you get it done.

  2. It really was incredibly still, like glass, as I said I have seen it calm before, but usually a hint of a ripple. Those leaves just stood out so much, probably not unusual but I just was struck by them today. On to a tree frog on a plaque now!
