Friday, 31 January 2025

Miserable damp day

Friday is visit day. I wrote four letters yesterday evening so I went out early to catch todays post collection. Then off to see Bel who was in fairly good form, she had stated another jigsaw so I helped find some of the edge pieces.
Had a bit of lunch when I came in and did a couple of chores then set off to walk to Jeans via the sea front. I took a photo of an unusual tree trunk in the memorial garden.
It was a damp day and quite cold, these wasn’t too inviting.
I had taken my sketchbook and did an extra quick sketch before getting to Jeans house.
Jean is still struggling with the back pain but has had a letter to say she will get an appointment for a scan. Hopefully that won’t be months away.
Terry gave me a lift home as usual which was nice a dI had my veggie box to pack away when I got home.
The new series of Death in Paradise starts tonight with a new detective, so that will be interesting.

Thursday, 30 January 2025

A busy day

This morning I went out to attack the brambles in the back garden at the side of the house. Took some photos today. Not easy to make out just how overrun it was.
Went in for a break when I got this far!
I got the huge bad that the stones had come in out and transferred all the brambles into it. Then I piled ll the dry stuff into the wheelbarrow, two loads, nd took them down to the burning pile.
Could do with a bit more work, but felt like progress.
After lunch I went for a walk, I went to the park and walked down the lovely new path that had been laid, and did a sketch while I was there.
I carried on to see the sea.

Wednesday, 29 January 2025

Uneventful day

This morning I stayed in and did some chores and had a spell in the garden, starting with removing  dead leaves then got caught up with yards and yards of brambles. It was at the side of the house and although I practically filled the garden bin I have barely touched the surface. I did sit in the garden to do my sketch today.
This afternoon I walked up to the care home to visit my friend. Stayed over two hours and then walked back to get on with dinner.
Watching Landscape Artist of theYear and will write a couple of letters in a bit. As the heading says, an uneventful day.

Tuesday, 28 January 2025

Arty post!

Yesterday evening I did a sketch, not a bad sketch but a bad likeness!
This morning I did walk up to Freeport despite the stuff that there was rain in the air.  I didn’t get too damp and today I made a plaque as I hadn’t used the letters before. I really struggled to get the centres out of the letters as they were only marked and didn’t cut through. After I had done them I looked in the display window and saw that the previous plaques had left the the marked centres in and painted them a different colour after firing! I think it oooks quite good with gaps in the P, A and R. I shaped the balloons and will paint the strings in when I paint it.
I walked home as well, doing a bit of shopping on the way.
This evening I have done sketches in both books with the same subject matter. I used coloured pencils for the bigger one as I did for the sketch last night.
Quiet evening in store for a change.

Monday, 27 January 2025

Short post

Not a lot to say today. I went to the banking hub early and did a couple of chores before getting into the garden. I worked for about an hour, mostly digging and have turned most of the bed I started, removing a lot of the couch grass roots. Lifted a couple of plants and then replanted them. Will get back to it for another go if I ever clear the rest of the beds!
Visited Sarah and David this afternoon, they were okay, they are off to see Walk Right Back, the show I saw in Peterborough.
I did a sketch indoors but not much else.
I will go to the pottery on the bus tomorrow if it is raining.

Sunday, 26 January 2025

Quiet S

This morning I did a couple of chores and prepared veg for a stew later. After I had chatted to Anya I went into the garden for a while. After lunch I went out again until rain stopped play. I will post the picture again of where I got to yesterday, todays doesn’t look a lot different but it you at the to left there is the base of the apple tree. That are is rife with nettles and other unwanted plants in the summer. It is years since I tried to clear round the roots and try int to pull lumps of roots out I almost fell over! Best not take this amount of time on every bed!
I finished the third jigsaw when I came in.
My sketch is from one of my favourite photos. My sister with her dog before I was born!
Throw Down tonight.

Saturday, 25 January 2025

Hello snowdrops

I went to the shop as usual first thing a did a couple of chores then walked to Botany Boutique to see Sher for her to reuse. In the front garden the snowdrops have appeared which is lovely and hopefully a sign that Spring is on the way.
Had a chat and a cuppa with Sher which was good, we always have a giggle.
After lunch I went into the garden to get started on getting it tidy. I went to the bed in front of the summer house as the pampas needed cutting back.
That bed is also riddled with couch grass so I ended up digging as well, lifted a couple of plants and replaced them when most of the roots of grass were gone. I didn’t get finished but had worked on it for a couple of hours maybe I will get that bed finished tomorrow,
After I had put the tools away I went down to the summer house to do a sketch. Two actually, a colour one first and then a very quick one in the little book.
The hellibore is flowering, they are so striking.
Quiet evening now.

Friday, 24 January 2025

Windy walk today

It has been very windy today, but not nearly as bad as some areas. Went to see Bel this morning, she wasn’t going to go out for her hair appointment today because of the weather. She is doing a jigsaw that is balls of wool, quite colourful but not that easy.
After lunch I did walk to Jeans via the sea front, I nearly got blown over a couple of times but all was well. Jean is still really struggling with the back pain and not being able to get to church.
Sea pics and a sketch I did on the way. It was an off shore wind and I tried to catch the waves that remind me of horses manes.
Will finish with a photo of a happy cat settled on my lap.

Thursday, 23 January 2025

Short post today

The weather has been damp and miserable so I spent the morning doing the first of the three jigsaws and managed to find all of the pieces.
Tina drove up to The Spotted Duck in Fitling where we had a nice lunch. It is at a country park in the middle of nowhere. On the way home we stopped at Mappleton where I did a sketch in the car. It was raining so we just took in the view from inside,
This afternoon I made a start on the second jigsaw. I struggled finding the bits and then realised that I could have made it a whole lot easier as the three puzzles had different coloured backs! So two down and one to go!
Penultimate Traitors this evening!

Wednesday, 22 January 2025

I like a challenge

I went out early to post a letter and call in at the shop as I needed to be around to take in a parcel for Tina as she was off out early today. I did some household chores and then decided to open the three jigsaws all together in one box! I sorted through and got out the edge pieces, definitely had twelve corner pieces!
Then I got one puzzles edges.
After the parcel arrived I carried on for a bit and got the other two done.
Working out which bits go in each puzzle should be fun!
This morning the rain drops on a plant outside the kitchen window looked like diamonds. I tried a photo from indoors that was hopeless. Took a couple when I took something out to the bin. Couldn’t really catch how lovely it was.
It was a grey day so unexpectedly bright.
After lunch I walked up to the care home to visit my friend. The day was a bit drier on my way back,so took a couple of photos.
After dinner I started sorting some bits for one of the jigsaws, that will be a challenge. I did do a sketch as I can’t really class doing a jigsaw as something crafty!
And finally, when I wa walking back this afternoon I noticed that someone had managed to drive over a flower bed and miss the bushes. That was a first!