Friday, 27 October 2023

Quiet and a bit crafty

I haven’t overdone the exercise today as the knee is still playing up. Fed the birds and a couple of short walks to the shop and then to see Sher inher shop as I got her some of the hair chalks to try.
Jean came here for a cuppa and chat this afternoon, she likes to get out as she has family staying long term because their flat in waiting to be repaired.
Apart from that I have managed to get the edges of the puzzle done apart from one piece and got a bit of the picture done.
I have worked on the piano model, some parts trickier than others.
Had to be careful on the next bit as the edging is quite fragile.
Pushing the legs and pedals into the model was a challenge.
Once finished I couldn’t get the phone to focus on it so had to put it on night setting.
Going to the grand opening of the pottery painting place tomorrow, it is under new management. Looking forward to that.


  1. At least you are sensible and know when not to push the leg past its limits. Sounds like you’ve still done a bit though.
    I bet Darren could find the last edge piece, he’s good at doing that ๐Ÿ˜Š It’ll probably be the last piece you have left, assuming it’s actually there that is!
    The piano looks really good. You’ve done a grande job of it. I think you should get another in the series, and a big glass case ๐Ÿ˜Š
    Hope the leg is a bit better for the grande opening tomorrow. You’ve always like the pottery painting so you’ll enjoy that.

  2. The models are fun, although they are quite fragile so it is scary pushing some of the pieces into place.
    I shouldn’t have too much walking to do tomorrow so hopefully the leg won’t take the edge off the day.
    Hopefully Darren will feel the inclination to do a bit to the jigsaw over the weekend.
