Tuesday 9 January 2024

Chores and short walks

This morning I got a couple of loads of washing done and some hand washing, then went to the bank and a couple of shops. I don’t use the cash machine now as we need people to go and use the bank, now we have one, so that we don’t lose it. I fed the birds and today did get around to changing the water baths. They were dirty but as they had water in them I didn’t bother, but couldn’t ignore them again today! 
I made split pea soup yesterday and Tina and ai finished it off for lunch today.
I spent a lot of the day looking for my two small purses with all my loyalty cards in. The seemed to have disappeared into thin air. The fact that I am not the tidiest of most organised of people it was proving a frustrating search.
I am out of sync again today, there wA noise blurry sun in the sky early on, I tried to open the doors in the spare bedroom but they were stuck. So the pic was through my rather mucky sitting room window!
While I was searching I found the hedgehog plant holder I painted while still in Scarborough. I thought of taking it to Sher and then remembered I needed some plant holders myself!
I went to see Sher at the art shop this afternoon. Took a picture of the paintings I really like but can’t afford!
I met Oakley, her rescued Romanian puppy, he is eight months old now and the cutest, friendliest puppy ever!
Thankfully my tooth has stopped hurting today, I really didn’t want to be going back to the dentist any time soon.
Will finish with another couple of Cornwall pics thanks to Mike.


  1. Sounds like you’ve managed a bit more today. Is that a good sign?
    I’m sure two purses will show up eventually, things always do. They’re probably in the same place that all the stuff I can’t find is!
    I remember the hedgehog plant holder. It’s very cute. I saw something very similar in a shop today. I’m sure the paintings you like are very nice, but you should really do some of your own to hang on your walls.
    Oakley is extremely cute 😊 Looks like a toy 😊
    Glad to hear the tooth has stopped playing up. Hopefully no more dentist visits for quite some time.

  2. Trying to build things up a bit, but not over doing things.
    The purses were where I put them, in a place where the phone should go and have never put them there before! Suddenly remembered whenI had caused mayhem!!
