Thursday, 16 July 2015

Greetings from Edinburgh!!  Bit of a last minute flying visit, Tina and her friend Catherine, another new priest had a service and party to go to, they had been going with two others who had to cancel so there was room in the car and a large shared room with space going spare! I have spent a good couple of hours, armed with a map, seeing a little bit of the city, will post  a couple of pics today and some more when we get back tomorrow. I went to the craft class last night and finished a little decorative felt cushion that I started in a class a few months ago.
I do know how to straighten them up Pearl, but not on this machine, so apologies all!! Today we picked Catherine up at 12.30 pm and the Tina drove up here without a break, we arrived about 4.15 pm I think. I saw the castle.
Various buildings, famous streets etc, but will just add a tram picture for now and select some more when I can view them better at home.
Bit hot a bothered now so may be in that shower soon!


  1. Wow!!! That was a lovely surprise for you. Xxx

    1. Yes, really different day and I managed not to get lost!! x
